Gold Mountain - Cascade

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City: Bremerton
State/Province: Washington
Country: United States
Latitude, Longitude:
Number of Holes: 18
Length Format: Y
Green Grass:
Fairway Grass:

Tee Boxes

Name Slope Rating Your HCP Rounds Modify Scorecard
Blue 122 70.5 0
White 118 69 0
Gold - Scoring 117 67.5 0
Forward-Red 113 66.4 0


Hole: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Out
Par: 5 4 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 35
Blue: 447 358 180 360 410 404 155 400 420 3134
White: 442 349 155 342 395 394 146 379 405 3007
Gold - Scoring: 442 312 155 328 395 361 133 358 363 2847
Forward-Red: 374 305 114 260 387 362 109 357 367 2635
Handicap: 9 11 15 13 1 3 17 7 5
Hole: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 In Total
Par: 4 4 4 4 3 5 4 3 5 36 71
Blue: 409 385 325 371 206 537 367 157 460 3217 6351
White: 382 370 300 351 201 527 333 145 443 3052 6059
Gold - Scoring: 356 328 300 298 168 515 311 145 443 2864 5711
Forward-Red: 351 309 275 303 165 455 295 102 397 2652 5287
Handicap: 2 8 14 12 10 4 16 18 6

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Golf Courses Washington State, Gold Mountain Golf Club, Bremerton
Gold Mountain Golf Club - Cascade Course Tee Times - Bremerton WA
Golf Courses Washington State, Gold Mountain Golf Club, Bremerton
Gold Mountain Golf Course - Cascade Golf Course - Golf in ...
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120th PNGA Men
Washington Golf Courses - Gold Mountain Golf Club, Bremerton, WA
Getting To Know: Gold Mountain Golf Club By Brian Weis

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